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Surrogate Session

Updated: Nov 13, 2021

I had a session with fellow Integrated Healing Practitioner. I met her at a training session at the end of October 2019. My first impression of her was that she is really cool and collective. She looked like a cool New Yorker from how she dressed herself. I didn't talk to her until about the sixth day of the workshop. But when we ate lunch together, I was totally mesmerized by her. I loved her dry humor, and the sessions with her were full of laughs and tears, whereas the most of other sessions at the workshop were full of crying.

IH sessions can be done in person or online. Healing is basically an energy adjustment, so as long as you are connected to the other person's energy, you can do it anytime, anywhere (even if the other person is asleep). During online session we set up an surrogacy to energetically connect with the client.

I set up the surrogacy and connected with her energy. When I connected with her energy, strangely but surely I was able understand her emotions and feelings.

IH uses muscle test to determine the subject, goal, and healing method. So, the subject is decided.

I ask her to say the goal out loud and check if it is really what her subconscious mind wants. Sometimes the subject and the goal are different from what she thinks she wants.

So, when she stated

"Is my goal live with your heart? "

I didn't get the sense of excitement in my body. So I told her

"Okay, your subconscious wants a more pinpointed answer, so let's make it a little more specific."

I suggested a few things, but none of them seem to be the answer.

I asked her what had happened in her past, which again elicited a response, so I asked questions based on that information. After much trial and error, she finally gave me an answer.

"Spread my wings to my heart's content."

When she said that out loud answer, my heart jumped with excitement so much so I had to turn the fan on to calm myself down.

But she said

"Ok.. I guess."

Our excitement level was polar opposite! It was so funny that we both laughed and cried.

What I thought was that I was connected to her subconscious, and that no additional thoughts or beliefs could enter. My friend however, is struggling with her subconscious.

She says "Spread my wings like flying around the world? Hmmm, but I'm fine where I am."

I guess that's the conflict. So I suggested.

"Don't you think you can spread your wings at your home as long as you are following your heart? Flying around the world is not the only way to feel free."

As we proceeded with the session, the crystal healing came up, and my muscle test told me to use the crystals she had, so she had them laid out on her desk, and I chose them.

I said, "The fourth one from the top."

Then my friend said "That's the same one I picked using muscle test as well."

It's amazing, isn't it? We are really connected. I can't believe we picked the same one without looking at her crystals.

After that, when the healing session was about imagining yourself when this goal comes true in the future and integrating with yourself, she said she thought that was it too.

I was so happy and had so much fun connecting with her and really getting to know her. After the healing, you know, we release this surrogacy, and for a moment my body hesitated. My body was like I still want to be connected to her.

The session started at 8:00 in the morning, but I got a lot of good energy.

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