When I was 23 years old, I developed alopecia areata (bald spots). More than half of my hair fell out. I tied my hair back to hide my bold spots.
I adored a girl in my class room, who had straight thin hair. Her pony tail was so pretty, unlike my thick, bushy one. I wished my hair would become just like hers. Soon enough, I was pulling my hair out so it would look nice and thin like hers. I even systematically yanked out my hair so that it would be evenly removed. Unfortunately this resulted in unwanted random bold spots.
I weeped day after day as my hair kept falling out (some weird switch must have turned on in my brain). I finally went to the dermatologist who gave me steroid injections ( like 80 times) in my scalp. After 2-3 visits, my hair finally started to grow back.
I still get smaller sized bald spots randomly. I still have some now. The good news is my hair comes back without steroid shots.
In mid February 2019, I had a Integrated Healing session to address my alopecia. The root cause was revealed as that "I'm not accepting of who I am." Bingo! Of course the source of my issue dates back to when I was trying to be someone I wasn't.
I haven't been able to love and accept myself as I am. I did not approve of myself at all and was very negative toward myself. I was not listening to my heart, using only my brain to make decisions. My head was overwhelmed which caused inflammation on my scalp resulting in bald spots.
I'm finally starting to accept and love myself as I am (unconditional love). Would a new bald spot ever appear again in the future? If I keep loving myself and focusing on my well-being, I think I will be okay. If the bald spots appear, I have to take it as a warning sign from my body that I'm not meeting my needs. This causes me to view my bald spots differently.
Not all alopecia areata is caused by internal issue. However, in my case, it is a red flag from my body.
If you have not dealt with the root cause of an issue, it will return just like pesky weeds. You have to heal from the root, not just treat the surface/symptoms. Integrated Healing is a great way to identify the root cause and heal the wounds from the inside.
Let's heal ourselves together and blossom to our maximum potential.