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Body and mind connections part 2

I often get some kind of symptoms on my eyes. My allergic reaction shows up on my eyes. When I was in elementary school, I was diagnosed with slight crossed eyes. My eyesight was pretty bad (like 20/200 vision) at a young age ( I got a LASIK surgery in my 30th, so my vision is good now). I also had astigmatism. Moreover, my pupil shape was not ordinal shape, so my contact lenses needed to be custom made (Could I have more problem?).

My eyes would shut tied in the morning from discharge drying up from seasonal or cat allergies. I used to work long hours ( like 14 hour working days) even on weekends . I got exhaustion from overworking, and it got really bad to the point i could not go outside of the house. However, when I conceived my first child, mother's instinct kicked in and I was able to go back to having a normal life (It really is amazing what motherhood can conquer).

However, 2 months before when my daughter was born (right around my birthday), my left eye became puffy. I didn't worry about it much as I thought it's just a water retention from pregnancy and it will go back to normal after giving birth to my daughter. Despite my thinking, puffiness in my left eye did not go away. 7 years passes with the condition. My eyes were so uneven and I started to really not liking my face. So much so I considered getting cosmetic surgery on my puffy eye.

I did not want to be in a picture, so the pictures in my cell phone is mainly kids. The puffiness of my eye has gotten so much better now and it is back to normal since fall of 2019.

I can tell you how my eye got better: Integrated Healing. I had my very first session in May of 2019. I had no idea what it is, but I followed my gut feeling. I balled so much during the session. I cried 7 days straight each morning as I took a bath and coming into new realizations. Crying in the bath every morning and truly understanding how and why things happened throughout my life somehow settled puffiness in my eye. Puffiness came back here and there though. Louise Hay's book "Heal Your Body" indicates that my eye problems are caused by "I" trouble. Feat of really seeing the self. Not wanting to see what's out there. Crossed purposes. Fear of feature. This is spot on. After I fell ill from exhaustion, I never attended to my needs and devoted my life to my children. Nothing was really healed or resolved. No wonder my eye will go back being puffy as my body was trying to tell me.

"Face yourself. Take care of yourself. Do not run away from problems!"

Everyday, I have to face my not so pretty face as I avoid dealing with myself. I felt so not pretty for last 7 years. I got LASIK surgery to correct my eye sight, but these artificial changes I made did not help deal with deep seated issue.

My puffiness on my left eye has completed disappeared about 2 months before I attended classes for Integrated Healing (my body is catching the changes 2 months ahead of time, I just realized, wow thats mind blowing). My body is busy sending signals by giving me bold spots, making my eyes puffy or making my body suffer with pain. Now I know how to catch those signals and deal with some of the deep rooted problems by listening to my body, heart, and inner-self. I am looking forward to what's to come for my future.

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